From the vice chancellor

Dear Friends,

Joan-NesbittIt is never easy to select stories for the Shillelagh — and you are the reason why. The members of OGS have been transforming our university for nearly 40 years, and this legacy continues today. There are so many examples of your generosity in action and too few pages in which to capture them.

For this issue, we’ve landed on a mix of news, profiles and updates — all laced with a huge amount of gratitude. Our cover story features the members of Miners by Design as they  continue to be the angels and investors backing our 13 student design teams. This group’s annual support provides the seed money essential to the endeavor, as our young inventors and designers work in the trenches of experiential learning.

Our New & Noteworthy section shines the spotlight on your generosity in many forms: your overwhelming response to the 20/20 Challenge creating vital, need-based scholarships; some exciting news about a new scholarship donor to Missouri S&T and a new way of thinking about how scholarship funding is awarded; David and Darlene Wang’s new endowment in electrical and computer engineering; Wayne and Gayle Laufer’s ongoing investment in energy research; and, last but not least, our new tubas courtesy of Keith Bailey.

Miner pride is evident on every page, but it shines in our update on the Hasselmann Alumni House. The donors profiled have each chosen to leave a legacy by naming a space in the facility. We are grateful to the donors who have supported this major project. We hope that others will join them in raising the roof on a beautiful, new home for our 55,000 alumni.

As you may already know, Missouri S&T will begin publishing its Honor Roll of Donors and Volunteers in an online format in 2014. This change from a paper to an electronic publication reflects the university’s commitment to efficiency, sustainable practices and wise stewardship of the funds entrusted to us. Next year will bring another change as we begin holding our OGS Weekends biennially instead of annually. We also plan to move the event from the busy month of April to June, so that it does not conflict with other university activities. Additionally, we will host informal OGS receptions and gatherings, both in Rolla and in other cities where signficiant groups of our alumni and donors reside. We will offer these more casual gatherings in years that alternate with the biennial weekend celebration. Our goal in making these changes is twofold: to be responsive to a variety of donor preferences and to encourage a greater number of you to participate in our OGS Weekend.

If you have questions or thoughts about how we can improve our service to you, please do not hesitate to contact me at 573-341-7808 or Missouri S&T is blessed by your friendship and support. This issue of the Shillelagh is dedicated to you and every OGS member who has “picked up the shillelagh” and made a difference.

With warm regard,

Joan Nesbitt
Vice Chancellor for University Advancement

Investing in tomorrow’s leaders


The Mars Rover Team (left) design and build “Akers,” a remote-controlled vehicle capable of traversing the red, rocky terrain of Mars. The Steel Bridge Team (top right) advanced to the national competition. The Concrete Canoe Team (bottom right) christened its 20-foot-long, 30.5-inch-wide canoe “Gone Fishin.'”

What does a Mars Rover have in common with a concrete canoe? Or a solar house with a suspension bridge? All are Missouri S&T student design projects supported by Miners By Design, a group of investment partners who believe it takes a team to change the world.

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Q&A with Dick Campbell

Dick-CampbellDick Campbell, ME’62, has been a mentor to Missouri S&T’s Formula SAE student design teams for more than a decade. Today, as a member of the Academy of Mechanical Engineers and a charter member of Miners by Design, he continues to share his wisdom and expertise with the team.

Why design teams: These are hands-on, hardware-oriented programs that provide students with real-life engineering experiences not normally found in the standard engineering curriculum.

I joined because: I was impressed by the enthusiasm and creativity of the students, and I offered to help them by building any of their designed formula car components that they were not able to do themselves. I did get asked to build several components and, as a result, got very involved with the Formula SAE Program.

What students learn: Engineering students are primarily taught how to perform analytical analysis of engineering problems where the result of the analysis is generally a numerical answer. The Miners by Design programs give students an opportunity to extend their engineering education beyond the analytical and gets them involved in all phases of an engineering project: analytical, computer simulations, design, manufacturing and testing.

What I love: I have attended several of the international Formula SAE competitions and the Missouri S&T team is always one of the top contenders. The S&T team comes to the competition events well prepared. The car has been tested extensively and the drivers have had many hours of practice prior to the competition. The decorum of our students is exemplary. I could not be prouder of our students and faculty advisors.

Who should join a design team: I would encourage freshman especially to join a design team. By joining a team the new student can quickly make friends and become assimilated in the student community. Also many members of the design team will be upper classman who can help and advise new students.

I’d like to invent: Two things: 1) a safe renewable energy source that would make the US energy independent, 2) a transportation system that will support the future needs of both our private and commercial vehicles. Adding multiple new lanes to our present highway system is not an acceptable solution.

Campbell began his distinguished career working for Boeing and NASA in the development of guidance and control systems for the Saturn, Skylab and Space Shuttle programs. As the founder and president of Campbell Engineering, he provided engineering and fabrication services for the aerospace, defense and medical industries for 25 years, until selling the company in 2005. Campbell also taught for two decades as an adjunct faculty member at the University of Alabama, where he earned a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. He and his wife, Sue, are OGS members and live in Huntsville, Ala. 

Leading from the heart


Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader and her husband, Jeff, were the first donors to accept the 20/20 challenge.

When Chancellor Cheryl B. Schrader heard that Missouri S&T had received state funding for 20 new scholarship endowments — contingent upon raising matching funds from private donors — she did more than get to work fundraising. She made a gift.

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