Twice the fun! Dedicate Hasselmann Alumni House and celebrate St. Pat’s

Hasselmann-webMiner pride will parade down Pine Street in a double dose of green on Saturday, March 14, when Missouri S&T and the Miner Alumni Association celebrate St. Pat’s and the dedication of Hasselmann Alumni House. Join us as we raise the roof on a new era with the dedication of our campus home for all alumni. The festivities kick off at 9 a.m. at 11th and Pine.

Hasselmann Alumni House Dedication Events

Corner of 11th and Pine Streets

9 a.m. Open House

Come by for cinnamon rolls, coffee, juice and house tours.

9:30 a.m. Public Dedication Ceremony

Kinyon-Koeppel Grand Hall

Mark a milestone as we dedicate Hasselmann Alumni House.

Noon-2 p.m. St. Pat’s Parade After Party

Rear parking lot and porte-cochere

Stop by for free hot dogs, chips and cookies as the Miner Alumni Association hosts the first party in our new home.

Noon-2 p.m. Miner Alumni Association Supporters Pig Roast

Kummer Garden

Supporters of the Miner Alumni Association are invited to a special lunch honoring their contributions.