Making Civil Engineering and Miner Pride a Family Affair

Tom, Bob and Steve Sieckhaus (left to right) share Miner roots and a passion for construction. Now they share pride in the Clayco Advanced Construction and Materials Lab.

Steve Sieckhaus, CE’87, MS EMgt’94, and Tom Sieckhaus, CE’88, are proof that if you grow up around a civil engineer, you’re likely to be bitten by the construction bug. In their case, you’re also likely to be smitten by Miner pride. Their father, Bob Sieckhaus, CE’63, is responsible for both. “I remember watching my Dad work most evenings at the kitchen table estimating projects,” says Steve, chief operating officer and shareholder of Clayco Inc. “He took us on site visits. My passion for construction was fueled by those visits. I never considered anything but civil.” Continue reading