Abigail Carr, a Missouri S&T junior majoring in mechanical engineering, was studying at the Cork Institute of Technology in Ireland when the U.S. State Department’s Level 4 Travel Advisory in March sent her scrambling to get home after two months of her semester abroad. “I had no idea where I was going to live upon my return,” says Carr, who faced a mandatory 14-day quarantine and could not go home to St. Louis because of high-risk family members. “I had already paid rent in Cork and was not receiving a refund, so I had little funds to support myself and no way to get a job.” Thanks to the Miner Resilience Fund, Carr received financial help with her flight fees and quarantine housing costs in Rolla. “Without this help, I would have been scrambling,” she says. “Thank you to all who have helped me and others during these stressful times.” READ MORE